Codebreaker Club Replay | Gamification Insider.


Codebreaker Club November Replay.

The Gamification Insider detective collective has ruled: each Codebreaker Club recording shall remain accessible for four weeks, beyond which it shall vanish without a trace. Thus, this recording’s final hour looms, extending only until Tuesday, 2nd January 2024. 

Catch Up.

Should you have missed this month’s rendezvous with the Codebreaker Club, there’s no need for concern. We’ve prepared a set of inquiries for you to deliberate upon, tailored to complement the recorded session.

These questions are your key to unlocking the potential of the gamification techniques unveiled in this month’s Inside Scoop and discovering their application within your own business!

In pursuit of truth 🔍

Technique 1 | Personalisation.

  1. Can you think of any brands or businesses that use personalisation well? Spend 5 minutes writing down any you can think of.
  2. Spend 7 minutes considering how you can give your customers and audience more opportunities to tailor their experience with your business, whether that’s in marketing messages, products or services you provide or elsewhere.

Technique 2 | The Sunk Cost Fallacy.

  1. Consider the following concepts and decide whether you think they are evil or not:
    • Loyalty Programs. Firstly – loyalty programmes are considered to be gamification by some experts, but that is strongly contested by other gamification experts! The books I’ve read on gamification are quite split on this point, some people are VERY certain it’s not gamification. However, it is definitely a sunk cost fallacy technique being used so we are going to discuss them!

      Loyalty programmes: Offering loyalty programs with rewards that become more enticing as customers spend more. This encourages customers to continue purchasing to earn more rewards, even if they’ve already invested a substantial amount.

      Advantages to the customers: rewards, perhaps free things or discounts.

      What do you think? Evil or not evil?

    • Upfront Subscription Services: Providing subscription-based models where customers pay upfront for a set period. Even if customers stop using the service, they may feel compelled to continue until the subscription period ends to justify their initial payment.

      Advantages to the customers: discounts or rewards for paying annually instead of monthly.

      What do you think? Evil or not evil?

    • Freemium Models: Offering free or low-cost versions of a product or service and then charging for premium features or content. Users who have already invested time and effort in the free version may be more likely to upgrade. You see this in a lot of mobile games

      What do you think? Evil or not evil?

    • Fitness apps: A lot of fitness and nutrition apps encourage you to enter a lot of data – many of them encourage you to enter everything you eat and track all sorts of things like weight, water intake and more. You may have months or years’ worth of data in their app and if you wanted to switch to another app it could be a HUGE pain to re-enter all of that data manually. This keeps you locked in with one app over another.

      Advantages to the customers: continuing on your health and fitness journey

      What do you think? Evil or not evil?

  2. After reviewing your answers to the concepts mentioned above, and what makes them ‘evil or not’, develop your own equation on how gamification developers can ethically use the sunk cost fallacy. (Or your own code/creed to go with our detective theme).

    A template for the equation/formula/code could be:

    XX + YY x ZZ = ethically using the sunk cost fallacy

Technique 3 | Relatedness.

  1. Decide which group of people you want to focus on to use the technique of relatedness, it could be an audience on a particular platform, your email subscribers, your ideal customer, or your members.
  2. Put a timer on for 7 minutes. Write down a list of things you know about those people. (Don’t worry about finding common ground yet, just write down as much as you can think of for now that you know about them as a group)
    So for example; If I picked the members of Gamification Insider I could list:
      • All of the industries you’re in.
      • The current cohort are all female-identifying
      • Where you are all based
      • What you help your customers with
      • Anything I know you all like or dislike or struggle with
      • Why you joined or … you get the idea.


    If you’re not sure then use this time to go do some researching those people on social media to find out more about them, or if you’ve surveyed them in the past review that, or you could use this time to plan to do a survey in the future, or message them directly to ask about them!

  3. Spend 5 minutes working on finding the common ground. What unifies those people with you / your business?

Good work detectives – now you may not have finished but you can come back to this later.

You now have a list of things that you can use in your marketing, in your communities and on your sales pages to add that sense of relatedness.

I’d be careful and choose things that align with your business values but you can really push these things to make your audience, members, students and more feel like a community!

Struggling? Please post in post in GI Agency HQ (the Facebook group) and ask your fellow detectives for help. 

Technique 4 | Competence

  1. Spend 5 minutes thinking about the following questions and writing down anything that comes to mind:
    • When has a brand made you feel smart?
    • Can you think of any examples of when a website/app/software was really intuitive?
  2. Take 10 minutes and work on one of the following:
    • Spend some time looking through your marketing, sales pages and external documents to see how you can improve them in terms of clarity, and ease of navigation. Consider the question “Is it obvious what to do next?” This could make a massive difference to the number of sales you make!
    • How can you make any of your services or processes feel more ‘intuitive’ so that they are fast and easy to navigate for your customers?
    • Are you saving your audience time or money through your promotion or campaign? Can you reinforce how smart they are for making that choice?
    • Considering the examples we’ve just discussed, how can you make your audience or customers feel more competent?


You’ve hopefully now got plenty of ideas for what to implement in your business from these four techniques and you’re probably thinking oh crap how am I going to fit all of this in? You don’t have to.      
  1. I want you to spend the next 5 minutes looking at all of the ideas you’ve written down and circle your top three. You can choose how you prioritise them depending on what’s important in your business right now, could be that you pick three revenue-generating activities, or choose three that don’t take much time or something else.
  2. Put a star next to the ONE non-negotiable. If you only get one of your top three done this month that non-negotiable starred item is one you need to do!
  3. Post on this post in GI Agency HQ to let us know what your one non-negotiable is for this month so we can hold you accountable.

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