Past Business Growth Trainings | Kimba's Online Growth Club.

Growth Sessions Watched.


Catch up on our previous business growth training.

Do you really need a business plan?
Paula Cohen

Does the idea of creating a business plan fill you with dread?

Surely these are just for banks and big businesses aren’t they?

From Food Writer to Food Entrepreneur.
Kate Percy

Building a food brand takes guts, money and not a little luck. Kate Percy shares the highs and lows of her journey from author to running a food business with her husband Mark.

Why every business must have strong terms and conditions.
Steph Barber

Terms and Conditions are the foundation of any business. They are your opportunity, as a business owner, to set out how you do business.

Watch one or more business growth trainings to access the next set.

Systems to Swoon Over.
Sarah Newland

This masterclass is a look at the top 3 mistakes that Sarah sees business owners making, and how you can overcome those mistakes.

So you want to start a subscription box?
Lauren Prentice

Lauren will lead you through all of the benefits of launching a sub box and all of the questions you need to know the answers to before launching your own subscription box.

Why IP is important for your business.
Michelle Ward

Michelle will give us an overview of what IP is, why it is relevant to every small business, plus some top tips to keep you out of trouble!

Watch two or more business growth trainings to access the next set.

Alan Kitto

This masterclass is a look at the top 3 mistakes that Sarah sees business owners making, and how you can overcome those mistakes.

Creating Connections that Count.
Tessa Hull

Learn how to connect with others and develop partnerships to build your business… all by simply being a decent human being.

18 Ways To Increase
Your Instagram Following Today


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