A Fun, Friendly and Fast-Paced Virtual Networking event (for just a tenner!) ...

Our networking session takes place on 26th July @ 12pm(BST)!


A pitch free zone.

We know not everyone is confident pitching to a large group.

Ever had that feeling where a host asks you to think of something interesting about yourself and then you don’t hear a single word anyone else says because you’re busy worrying about what you’ll say? Yeah, we didn’t want that.

This means we removed pitching completely.

Instead, we ask you questions and pose fun tasks to get you to think, interact and get to know each other beyond the simple ‘what do you do’. Everything happens in small groups to remove that overwhelm and after the event we share your contact details with the other participants so you can continue to get to know each other after the event.

Virtual networking but not as you know it.

No pitching. No role-playing. No putting you on the spot.

Instead we have small groups, quick rounds and silly discussion topics – designed so you can chat with more people in a more informal way and get to know people! 


Increase your visibility with our fun networking session.

Our virtual networking events aren’t like ordinary stuffy, boring networking sessions.

It will be fun, it will be fast – and designed to get to know people beyond the ‘boring’ questions always asked.

Time to make some new business buddies, who knows where it could lead… 

When is it? How long is it?

It’s happening at 12pm BST 26th July.

It’s in the diary for one hour.

As it’s a live networking session held on Zoom, there’s no replays. Be there or be square!

How much is it?

It's £10 for just the networking session.

You can get access for a month to Kimba’s Online Growth Club for an extra £4! (If you are currently a member of KOGc you get access to this for free),
How does it work?

The event happens on Zoom, so log on with the device of your choice at 12pm on 26th July.

Kimba will introduce herself, will set the first discussion task and will split you into groups to have a chat.

There will be different discussion topics throughout.

Nobody will be put on the spot, nobody will be asked to speak in front of the group unless they want to.

The topics are usually around the following:

Growth in terms of business, marketing or mindset (as that’s what Kimba’s Online Growth Club is about)

and of course, there are silly, or fun tasks too – because we believe business should be fun!

Example of our Virtual Networking Session
Why attend an event like this?

By connecting with other business owners you increase visibility for your brand!

No need to prepare an elevator pitch. We won’t make you speak in front of everyone – though there will be a chance to share your contact details after the event.

Being a business owner can be lonely – this is a chance to meet other people who get it.

As it’s online there’s no need to worry about travel time or costs.

It’s at 6pm,  so even if you have a day job, you can join in and progress your business!

Being virtual means you can meet people in different cities or countries with ease!

You may have attended networking events before that were very serious, stuffy or boring. Our events are silly and informal – we won’t put you on the spot.

As the discussions are so varied, you never know what you might learn or what opportunities you might come away with! 

In the words of Bill Nye "Everyone you will ever meet knows something you don't."

What the networking event will not do:
  • Ask you to share an elevator pitch.
  • Put you on the spot in front of everyone
  • Ask you to do any role-playing
What the networking event will do::
  • Give you the chance to speak to people in smaller groups
  • Ask you to discuss questions you might not normally consider – so you can get to know each other past ‘what do you do’
  • Be a bit silly, so we can have a giggle and enjoy running our business!
  • Each task is timed, so you aren’t left in an awkward silence to fill!

Buy a ticket for a chance to win a prize!


Anyone who purchases a ticket to and attends this networking event on 4th May will be entered into a prize draw to win one of these silly lemon Pomodoro timers.

This fits perfectly with how silly our networking events can be.. in case you are wondering.

So come along, network, make some new contacts, maybe learn something or get some new opportunities for your business


Maybe win* a lemon timer. 🤣 😂 💀

This event is a part of our Kimba's Online Growth Club membership and is free to members.

What is KOGc?

Kimba’s Online Growth Club is a monthly membership for business owners who want to grow their business in a fun, supportive environment.

You’ll get access to an exclusive membership area with dozens of training sessions from me and a network of experts, on business growth, marketing and mindset. 

And if you can’t find what you’re after? You’ll be able to request training on specific topics you feel would benefit you most. Because the Club is designed to help you grow in whatever way you need.

We’re taking elements from game design, game thinking, behavioural psychology and MORE to help motivate our members to learn what they need to do to step up, take action and grow their businesses! 

This isn’t your ordinary, bog-standard business membership.

This membership is created with the members in mind.

Specifically designed for the different personality types and different types of motivations of the members!

This means that they will get what they need, in the way that works for them.

You can trial Kimba’s Online Growth Club for a whole month for an extra £4 (worth £47)!


There is no minimum time commitment. Like many things in business you’ll get out what you put in. If you’ve got spare time in your week you can spend it going through the back catalogue of trainings or networking and supporting others in the group. If you have a particularly busy month, don’t worry, you can catch up whenever you have time.

If you sign up, you will be signing up for a recurring membership. You can leave at any time and your membership will end at the end of that month’s contract.

All guest experts and ‘lives’ will be recorded and stored in the membership area. Recorded content is released to members as they work through the existing training.

This membership does not include 1:1 sessions. I do, however, answer questions during my lessons learned sessions and in the Facebook group so you will have plenty of direct access to pick my brains.

In a word, yes. I’ve worked successfully with countless businesses both product-based and service-based and from a huge cross-section of industries.

Due to the nature of the membership, you will have access to all of the training sessions in the membership area straight away. It is therefore not possible for us to offer refunds – you are able to leave the membership at any point though and your contract will end at the end of your contract period without further payments being taken.

*Terms and Conditions for Lemon Timer Prize Competition:

  1. This competition is open to anyone, aged 18 years or over.
  2. To enter, you must purchase a ticket to the networking event.
  3. The competition prize is a Lemon Timer.
  4. Anyone outside the UK will receive a £5 Amazon gift card in lieu of the Lemon Timer.
  5. The winner will be selected at random from all eligible entries received.
  6. The winner will be notified by email within 14 days of the closing date of the networking event.
  7. If the winner cannot be contacted or does not claim the prize within 14 days of notification, we reserve the right to withdraw the prize from the winner and pick a replacement winner.
  8. No cash alternative to the prize will be offered.
  9. The promoter’s decision in respect of all matters to do with the competition will be final and no correspondence will be entered into.
  10. By entering this competition, you are agreeing to these terms and conditions.

If you’re looking for ways to make some extra cash, you’ve come to the right place.

Times are tough; words and phrases like ‘cost of living crisis’ ‘recession’ and ‘heating bills’ are giving us the heebie-jeebies.

Now is the perfect time to consider different ways to make additional income streams, or be a bit more creative in marketing what we are already selling.

That’s what this webinar is all about; ‘50 ways to make more money’ includes tips on how you can make some extra cash and lots of ideas for marketing your current products and services that you may not have thought of – to stand out from the crowd.

The best bit? Most of these tips require no financial investment, just a little bit of time. 

I’ve got you! This webinar includes ways to make money from your current products and services using tools you already have (or can access easily).

Then there’s the other tips which will give you alternative ways to make money, if you’re looking for new revenue stream ideas!  

18 Ways To Increase
Your Instagram Following Today


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