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So you’d like to know if Gamification can work for your business

…AND how we can help with that!
Have you?
Ran a successful challenge launch but been disappointed by how many people joined the live event or completed the challenge?
Wondered how to increase engagement on your social media posts?
Considered how to reduce  the attrition rate on your social media posts?
Thought there must be an easy way of getting more and better quality testimonials  from your clients?

Delivered a successful online course but wished that more  of your students had completed the course?

Wished that you knew what motivated your students, challenge participants, club members or affiliates so that you could help them to achieve better results?
Then Gamification could be the answer you’ve been waiting for!
The kinds of results you can get by using gamification .

Gamification can be used for all sorts of things, so it’s quite important to know what you’re looking to use it for.

Some examples include;

  • Improving levels of engagement in your memberships, courses, challenge launches and affiliate launches.
  • Higher rates of online course completion (or challenge completion).
  • Gathering higher quality and more testimonials from customers.
  • Reducing rates of attrition in memberships.
  • Better results for your clients from your online courses, which makes them happier and then they are more likely to refer you to others. Win-Win!
  • All of the above will lead to more sales and income – the ultimate business goal!

Learn more about Gamification with our free video.

What is Gamification?

Not 100% sure what Gamification is? You’re not alone. 

Even Gamification professionals can’t agree on a set definition!

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Throughout history people have played games; from hopscotch to chess, from Fortnite to tiddlywinks, from conkers to cricket. We’ve all played a game and been unable to put it down because we are enjoying it so much, wanting to beat our opponent or just get to that next level…

The concept of gamification is to figure out;

  • What it is about those games that makes them so compelling
  • What elements motivate you to play
  • What we can learn from games to make non-games more successful
  • What we can take from game design to help get better results in non-game settings

Many well-known brands are using gamification in their marketing and in their courses to improve results for them and their audiences.

Examples of Gamification.


The popular language learning app Duolingo uses a clever combination of game elements to help their 500 million registered users to learn languages more effectively.

ebay & Amazon.

Global shopping giants eBay and Amazon both use gamification techniques to boost sales.


The Nike+ app encourages users to get active using gamification with two main benefits;

The more active Nike customers are, the more quickly they will need more kit

The app generates data that allows Nike to create much more targeted and precise marketing campaigns and their customers get fitter too

If used well, gamification can be used to help you reach your business goals, by helping your customers to achieve theirs. It’s about working out their motivations and amending your course/challenge/affiliate launch / social media content to help them achieve their objectives in a way that works for them. 

It can be fun (think quizzes, solving puzzles, defeating monsters), but it isn’t always about making things more fun.

Some game elements that you may recognise can be considered to be stressful or negative, despite being effective gamification tools (scarcity and competition are two examples).

There is nothing wrong with using these tools, but it is important to use a good balance of techniques and tools that compliment the types of personalities in your audience.

Gamification isn’t as simple as adding badges and a leaderboard to something and hoping for the best.

It is a tool that combines game elements, game design and game thinking as well as taking learnings from psychology, human behaviour and other fields such as learning development, management and marketing to improve upon existing systems and processes for better outcomes – rather than just ‘turning everything into a game’

It’s more complex than people assume and is definitely a matter of test and learn, but implemented well and tweaked over time it can be a priceless tool for your business.

Learn more about Gamification with our free video.

What is Gamification?

Not 100% sure what Gamification is? You’re not alone. 

Even Gamification professionals can’t agree on a set definition!

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Throughout history people have played games; from hopscotch to chess, from Fortnite to tiddlywinks, from conkers to cricket. We’ve all played a game and been unable to put it down because we are enjoying it so much, wanting to beat our opponent or just get to that next level…

The concept of gamification is to figure out;

  • What it is about those games that makes them so compelling
  • What elements motivate you to play
  • What we can learn from games to make non-games more successful
  • What we can take from game design to help get better results in non-game settings

Many well-known brands are using gamification in their marketing and in their courses to improve results for them and their audiences.

What we gamify for our clients

We provide a consultation service for our clients to Gamify their existing and successful:

online courses.

challenge launches.

affiliate launches.


online events.

and many more

and what we don’t

Currently we don’t offer any consultation services to evergreen courses, or new memberships. 

Please get in touch using the form at the bottom of the page to find out when we will extend our services!

How it works.


We work with businesses that are already successfully running a membership, an online course, an online event, challenge launches or affiliate launches.

We review your existing process in detail, find out what you are hoping to achieve, discover everything we can about your customers and what they want to achieve and then…


Use gamification to completely reimagine what you’ve got now… from onboarding through to upsell (if applicable) and provide you with a plan that will take your customers on a journey that is right for them, getting them more of the results they want while also getting you more of the results you want!

Sounds good right!?

We provide the plan and then you implement it.


BUT you aren’t alone. We have another meeting after you start implementing to tweak and improve anything that’s not quite right yet.

Gamification is an art and a science, so not everything we recommend will work 100% of the time for everyone. We want to make sure you get the most possible from our consultation so we check-in once the new plan is in motion and help you to amend to get the most out of it!

Why Kimba?

Kimba is a successful, innovative and creative entrepreneur based in Bristol. 

Kimba has been using Gamification in her personal and business life to improve results and meet her goals for as long as she can remember.

As well as running a flourishing business, in her spare time, she’s a sponsored hula hooper and has used gamification to outsell the other sponsees by 10x. 

Gamification has enabled Kimba to improve all aspects of her business leading to more sales and greater results for everyone involved. Whether it’s engagement on social media posts, an increase in the number of people completing her courses or showing up live to online events, better participant retention in her challenges and memberships or getting higher quality testimonials.. everything she’s gamified has seen a marked improvement!

A great example of this, comparing the last two challenges that Kimba ran which upsold to her Instagram course. By adding in just a handful of Gamification elements she went from a 1.1% conversion rate to a 2.9% conversion rate – an increase of 162%. 

The final InstaMind course, (10 week Instagram course) – saw…

  • A 29% increase in people completing the course compared to last time…
  • 52% increase in posts in the group, compared to the previous round.
  • AND a 16% increase in Active Users (the number of users active in the group across the 10 weeks) compared to previous round.

Kimba has gamified other areas of her personal life too, to help her fit in extra reading, exercise regularly, or learn new skills (all while having fun!)

Kimba now helps other businesses to apply gamification techniques to boost results for themselves and their customers/members. By working in this way everyone is a winner!

Sounds good – What’s next?

We want to make sure that we’re a good fit, so we have a short application form for you to fill in. We’ve made it fun by getting our bot to ask you questions… 

If the bot thinks you’re a good fit, we’ll book a call to discuss further, if not we’ll give you some recommendations so you can come back when you’re ready!

How much?

We’re in testing phase at the moment, so you’re in luck!

This is an extremely in-depth process completely reviewing and renewing your project from start to finish.

While in testing phase a small number of consultation packages are available for £4,000 + VAT.

This will soon be increasing to £10,000 – £12,000 + VAT depending on the project.

Money to charity

We will donate 1% of our fee to a green charity of our choice – you will have an option to pay 1% more to double that investment. (No judgement either way)

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Have a burning question? Want to learn more? Fill in the form and we’ll be in touch!


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