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Get UNSTUCK when it comes to Gamification.

So you can get better results and ultimately more customers.

Book a Voxer Day 1:1 with Kimba Here.

Hey Business Owner!

Have you tried to run a gamified campaign but it didn’t work?

Perhaps you used gamification in your launch, membership, course or on social media but it didn’t quite hit right. 

You know Gamification works but you need a little help tweaking it so that it hits the mark.

OR perhaps your Gamification did work but you’d like some advice on how to make it EVEN better!

You want to see results!

But Kimba, what do you mean by see results?

Here are some of the things Gamification can help you to achieve; 

Improved levels of engagement in your courses, challenge launches, memberships or social media campaigns

✅ Higher rates of online course completion (or challenge completion).

✅ Gathering higher quality and more testimonials from customers.

✅ Reducing rates of attrition in memberships.

✅ Improved conversion rates.

✅ Better results for your clients from your online courses, which makes them happier and then they are more likely to refer you to others. Win-Win!

✅All of the above will lead to more sales – the ultimate business goal!

But you don’t know how to do it!

Wouldn’t it be awesome to have a gamification consultant in your pocket for a day to help you to work through the niggles, iron out the creases and JAZZ up that campaign to get you better results in no time!

What's a Voxer Day?

It’s essentially Kimba in your pocket, for a day. 

On your specified day over several hours you’ll be able to contact Kimba 1-1 through Voxer (a dedicated messaging app similar to Whatsapp) and get responses about your gamification projects (or you can ask her about advice on business, social media or anything else where you feel she could add value!)

You can send text messages or voice notes to Kimba and you’ll get a personalised reply.

But it’s not a one-off. We will talk through issues and solve problems together throughout the day.

Here's how it works:

Select a convenient day for our Voxer date!

Find the best day for you - if you can't find one please get in touch, we'll add some more to the calendar.

Voxer days are extremely flexible; you can fit this around your other activities, messaging when and where you have a gap

Let's get ready to rumble.

Time to connect on Voxer (or set up your account) so you are ready to rock and roll when the time comes.

You can send over your questions, thoughts and issues beforehand to test Voxer if you aren't sure of the tech. Or to be ahead of the game ready to go!

(This is particularly handy for those of you in different timezones to Kimba)

When the big day arrives we can converse as and when makes sense, no need to rush. There's plenty of time to consider, reflect and get sh*t done.

That’s part of what makes a Voxer Day so effective.

When you book a Voxer Day, you get direct access to me.

We’ll work together to work out what’s not working with your gamified campaign, or to improve upon what you already have. 

You’ll get expert advice from a Gamification consultant that successfully uses Gamification to improve results.

And you’ll get my kind, but direct feedback to help you to progress and take action quickly (leading to faster results)


We’ve not done this before so for the first 5 people we’ll be running these for just £400+ VAT to test the waters and then we’ll steadily increase the costs for every 5 people that purchase.

Our longer-term consultation package costs £4,000+VAT so this is an absolute bargain.

What are you waiting for?  


You may not get a response immediately as Kimba will take time to consider your issues and think there the response fully, or may need to look into things before getting back to you.

We will need 5 working days notice to change your day. 

If you contact [email protected] we’ll make sure to add some new dates so that you can book ASAP at a time convenient for you and Kimba.

I have pivoted my business many times over the past nearly 7 years. I ran a digital marketing agency, a social media agency, we ran Instagram courses and now I work in Gamification. I, therefore, have quite a lot of different useful business experience. If you feel that the session would be best used talking about something else then I’m happy to do so – just let us know when you sign up!

We don’t solve specific problems with any tech issues. Your first port of call should also be with your software/tech provider. 

We can give general advice, but there is a wide range of tech solutions/software and we may not have time to answer within a day.

As always you should invest time and research into any potential tech purchase before you buy.

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