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7 BIG mistakes businesses make when gamifying their membership .

…. and what to do instead.

You’ve got a membership and it’s pretty successful! Your members are happy and are getting a lot from the membership but you feel like something is missing.

Maybe the engagement in your community isn’t great, your churn rate is high and you want to keep members loyal, or you wish more members would attend live training sessions. Whatever the issue, something needs tweaking.

So you try gamification, you add a quiz, poll, or competition with a leaderboard, and it flops. You don’t know why.

Maybe you haven’t tried gamification yet but you want to.

Either way, you’ll be interested to know the 7 BIG mistakes I see businesses make when they gamify their membership.

Often, if someone tells me gamification hasn’t worked in their membership I can put it down to one of these 7 things.

That’s why I’ve created this freebie for you.

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Prefer to access all of the information in one go? Choose this option to get all of the 7 BIG Mistakes in one PDF document.

What is Gamification?

Not 100% sure what Gamification is? You’re not alone.

Even Gamification professionals can’t agree on a set definition!

Here’s a quick breakdown:

Throughout history people have played games; from hopscotch to chess, from Fortnite to tiddlywinks, from conkers to cricket. We’ve all played a game and been unable to put it down because we are enjoying it so much, wanting to beat our opponent or just get to that next level…

The concept of gamification is to figure out;

  • What it is about those games that makes them so compelling
  • What elements motivate you to play
  • What we can learn from games to make non-games more successful
  • What we can take from game design to help get better results in non-game settings
  • Many well-known brands are using gamification in their marketing, memberships, launches and in their courses to improve results for them and their audiences. 

Gamification is a tool you can use to motivate people to take action. One of the biggest complaints I hear from membership owners is that their members aren’t taking action.

Maybe members are not engaging in the community, watching the training videos, or filling in forms that will provide them with useful information…. or something else. If the problem is a lack of action then it’s likely a motivation issue. In which case gamification could be the answer!

If you would like to use gamification in your membership then you’ll need to know the 7 BIG mistakes I see business owners make when gamifying their memberships! 

Choose how you want to learn about the 7 BIG mistakes:


Email Series

You'll receive an email with one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) everyday! Bite-sized learning straight to your inbox!

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You'll get access to one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) in a video everyday! The bite-sized option for visual leaners!

An Audio Series

Prefer to listen? Choose this option for an audio series including each of the mistakes (and what you should do instead)!


Prefer to access all of the information in one go? Choose this option to get all of the 7 BIG Mistakes in one PDF document.
Why Gamify?

Why Gamification is a GAME CHANGER for memberships?

Memberships are sold as the ultimate passive income, you attract people to join, you show up and deliver useful content regularly and the money drips into your bank account on repeat. At least that’s the dream.

However, once your members are onboarded it’s not as straightforward as you thought. It takes more effort and time than you imagined, people aren’t engaging in the community and hardly anyone shows up to the live sessions or watches the training videos you’ve spent hours preparing. You’d love to have guest experts but you’re worried they’ll be talking to an empty Zoom room.

Perhaps there’s something else you included that you thought your members would love but they aren’t making the most of it! It’s not quite working. The people who are using the membership are getting great results, but not enough of them are. You’re losing members and it’s hitting your revenue hard.

All of those things require your members to take action, and people need motivation to take action. Gamification is a fantastic tool for motivating people to take action, using it well can result in more active and engaged members, leading to better retention, more raving fans and ultimately more recurring revenue (the holy grail!)

Want to use gamification in your membership? You need to know the 7 BIG mistakes I see business owners make when gamifying their memberships! 

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You'll receive an email with one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) everyday! Bite-sized learning straight to your inbox!

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You'll get access to one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) in a video everyday! The bite-sized option for visual leaners!

An Audio Series

Prefer to listen? Choose this option for an audio series including each of the mistakes (and what you should do instead)!


Prefer to access all of the information in one go? Choose this option to get all of the 7 BIG Mistakes in one PDF document.

Why Kimba?

Kimba is a successful, innovative and creative entrepreneur based in Bristol.

Kimba has been using Gamification in her personal and business life to improve results and meet her goals for as long as she can remember.

As well as running a flourishing business, in her spare time, she’s a sponsored hula hooper and has used gamification to outsell the other sponsees by 10x.

Gamification has enabled Kimba to improve all aspects of her business leading to more sales and greater results for everyone involved. Whether it’s engagement on social media posts, an increase in the number of people completing her courses or showing up live to online events, better participant retention in her challenges and memberships or getting higher quality testimonials.. everything she’s gamified has seen a marked improvement!

A great example of this, comparing the last two challenges that Kimba ran which upsold to her Instagram course. By adding in just a handful of Gamification elements she went from a 1.1% conversion rate to a 2.9% conversion rate – an increase of 162%.

The final InstaMind course, (10 week Instagram course) saw…

  • 29% increase in people completing the course compared to last time…
  • 52% increase in posts in the group, compared to the previous round.
  • 16% increase in Active Users (the number of users active in the group across the 10 weeks) compared to previous round.

Kimba has gamified other areas of her personal life too, to help her fit in extra reading, exercise regularly, or learn new skills (all while having fun!)

Kimba now helps other businesses to apply gamification techniques to boost results for themselves and their customers/members. By working in this way everyone is a winner!

How would you like to receive this freebie?


Email Series

You'll receive an email with one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) everyday! Bite-sized learning straight to your inbox!

Video Series

You'll get access to one of the mistakes (and what you should do instead) in a video everyday! The bite-sized option for visual leaners!

An Audio Series

Prefer to listen? Choose this option for an audio series including each of the mistakes (and what you should do instead)!


Prefer to access all of the information in one go? Choose this option to get all of the 7 BIG Mistakes in one PDF document.

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