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Email marketing

Email marketing, So what?

You’ve heard of email marketing, you receive emails from companies into your own inbox, daily, but you aren’t doing any email marketing for your business. Maybe you fit into one of these categories:

Category 1: You have an email list but you don’t email consistently, as a result when you do email you have a huge number of unsubscribe requests or a low open rate. What you need is someone to write content for you.
Category 2: You have a regular email newsletter that you send but it takes you forever to write. What you need is someone to do that every month. Imagine what you could do with your time!
Category 3: You have lots of ideas for email campaigns but it’s the lowest thing on your list of priorities. What you need is someone to turn your ideas into emails for you to send out.

Sound familiar? If so, get in touch, I can help.

Contact Kimba Digital Marketing


The benefits of email marketing

  1. Targeted. You are only emailing people who have chosen to hear about your brand.
  2. Low cost compared to other types of marketing.
  3. Measurable. It is very easy to measure things like open rates and click-through rates, demonstrating return on investment.
  4. Customisable. You can easily personalise messaging and segment your database, to ensure that your customers only receive relevant information,
  5. Timely. Email marketing is perfect for informing your customers of your latest company news, for scheduling content based marketing in advance. This means that it is flexible to your company schedule.


The benefits of outsourcing your email marketing copywriting to Kimba Digital Marketing.

E-mail marketing increases brand awareness and is a targeted, cost-effective marketing tool. Copywriting is time-consuming and there are other, more important things you could do with your time. Here are some of the benefits of outsourcing your copy:

  1. Save time. Writing copy is time-consuming; you could spend this time growing your business.
  2. Consistency. It’s really important to be consistent and commit to keeping your email contacts up to date so that they don’t forget about your business, products or services. Outsourcing the writing of your emails means regular, consistent content to send to your database while driving traffic to your website. The more people that visit your website, the more of your products or services you will sell.
  3. Audience focused. As a business owner, it’s very easy to talk about the great things your company does or has achieved while completely forgetting about the audience. The content Kimba Digital Marketing provides is aimed at your target market and takes into consideration what they want and need while including business keywords where appropriate.

Ring Kimba now to discuss your needs on  07716 328 128 or email [email protected]

Clifton Suspension Bridge, Bristol

Email marketing Bristol.

Kimba Digital Marketing is based in Bristol, UK and provides content written in British English. We write content for email campaigns which retains customer loyalty and contains your business keywords. This leaves you safe in the knowledge that you have consistent regular content ready to send.

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