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My business isn’t fun enough for ‘games’

My business isn’t fun enough for ‘games’ .

Let’s talk about feelings

Some of you might be thinking:

  • My audience is going to think I’m silly adding in Gamification into my social media posts
  • It won’t fit with my brand, I’ve got a boring business or I’m not a ‘fun’ person. 
  • I’m nervous to try this as it sounds so experimental….

Gamification doesn’t have to be silly and some of it isn’t fun…

Gamification has been around for 20 years and all the big players are doing it, think Nike, Samsung, eBay, Heineken and more..

A lot of the not-so-big boys are doing it too but people using it successfully don’t want to talk about it because they don’t want their competitors doing it too!

Things that you’re probably already aware of or using from the gamification world that you didn’t even realise:

1. Scarcity.

(telling people they should sign up because there are only so many hours or places left)

Scarcity isn’t fun or silly…  it’s just a game tool.

Countdown Expired!

Some examples of scarcity – a countdown and sales post

2. Competitions.

Competitions can be fun and they can be silly, but they are used by very serious brands to get great results.

Another game tool. 


Our ever popular Prezzie Prize Picker – a way for people to choose a prize after winning a game/competition

3. Story Telling.

Ever used a story to explain something to your students or your audience? Narrative is a core game element and while it is fun, it is a seriously helpful tool.

Telling a story through live video

4. Polls.

This is some gamification that is built into many social media platforms, email software and more to help businesses do market research or just play with their audience. Yes, it’s fun, but it is extremely useful for business and not at all silly. 

Screenshot 2022-05-04 at 19.47.15

An example of a basic poll – leave a comment!

5. Progress Bars.

Ever been on an online course and there’s a progress bar which shows you how far through you are? Or seen the progress bar on LinkedIn that shows you how much % you are to a complete profile? This is a gamification technique. It’s not really fun, it’s actually quite boring, but it’s clever and inspires you to do more.

Two examples of Progress Bars.

These are just a few examples but there are HUNDREDS of game elements that you will see others using or use yourself every single day without even realising:

– to encourage people to buy something, to help others reach their goals, to reach your own goals and more.

People are used to this now, they see it everywhere – even if they don’t know what it’s called.

It isn’t silly and it isn’t new..

Ready to add some gamification to your social media posts to get better results?

We’ve got some handy templates available to help you get your game on!

Grab your template pack.

Want to learn more about how other businesses are using Gamification?

We write monthly in-depth case studies as part of our Gamification Insider membership, but we go a step further than this and explain how you can use each technique to improve business results. You can also attend monthly Codebreaker Clubs where we workshop how to use the techniques in your business regardless of your industry to motivate yourself or others to take action. There’s a lot more too. Membership tiers start from just £7.99 per month (inc VAT).Find out more.

Alternatively, if you are looking for more 1-1 support in your next Gamification project, you can apply for a 1:1 Consultation or a Voxer Day where we can help you to level up your existing successful membership, course or launch using Gamification techniques.

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