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How we increased our conversion rate by 726%

How we increased our conversion rate by 726% .

Quite an unbelievable title eh?

How we increased our conversion rate by 726%”

How did we do it?

The short answer is Gamification, but I know you’ll want a bit more detail than that!

Let’s dig in shall we?

For reference, this conversion rate is from our free online challenges and launches.

The first conversion rate I will share with you was from way back in the days when we taught Instagram.

The last Instagram challenge we ran without gamification had a conversion rate of 1.1%

With some Gamification thrown into the final ever Instagram challenge, we achieved a 2.9% conversion rate. (between those two alone that’s a conversion rate increase of 163%)

InstaBizWeek – A Free 4/5 Day Challenge

An Example of Our Conversion Rates for InstaBizWeek.

Using Gamification.

Our improved Gamification knowledge and skills meant that the first event Quick Wins Week we ran (an online launch event upselling to our membership) saw a 7.56% conversion rate

Quick Wins Week – A free online event.

And the one we ran last month converted at 9.09%….

Now you may ask “how can you know that Gamification is the big influence here?”

Our average conversion rate before the introduction of Gamification was 1.76%

The highest conversion rate we achieved before we used Gamification was 5.51% and was a complete fluke of beginners luck for our first big launch

We never got higher than a 1.9% conversion rate after that first fluke until we started Gamifiying our launches.

With every new online event that we run we learn and improve the gamification for better results.

This means every time we are able to improve our conversion rate (as well as other metrics – but let’s be honest the most important one is sales)

For transparency – this didn’t happen overnight, this increase has spanned a two-year period.

But what we’ve learned in that time has been priceless.

It means we can help our clients to get better results too and much faster than we did!

Imagine if you could improve your conversion rate by over 700% or even 100%.

What difference would that make to your bottom line?


Time to find out more about our 1-1 consultation services.

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  1. Pingback:Audible Gamification | Kimba Digital Marketing

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