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9 reasons it’s a good idea to network outside of your industry

9 Reasons it’s a Good Idea to Network Outside of Your Industry.

You might think that the only networking you should be doing is with your target market.

I get it, it seems like the most direct route.

However, there are LOTS of advantages to networking with people in different industries such as;

1. They could know the PERFECT person. You never know you may meet a business owner who already knows the exact person looking for what you offer!

2. Learning. This is the most obvious reason to attend any conference, apart from networking. At the Female Business Festival, there will be sessions from industry experts on a variety of topics meaning you can learn new skills to help your business grow.

3. Knowledge Sharing. This is a combination of points 1 and 2. You’ll be able to learn from the speakers and panelists, but also learn from and share knowledge with the other attendees. I always find the best golden nuggets come from the informal casual conversations between the big sessions, and the fees are worth that alone in my opinion.

4. Inspiration. I always find I come away from these events inspired with loads of ideas that I’m eager to take action on. As well as the speakers sharing their expertise the Female Business Festival will also have Dragons Den Winner, Rachel Watkyn, sharing her story as the most successful female entrepreneur in the den to date!

5. Market research. Just like knowledge sharing, conferences are a goldmine for market research.

Picture this: you’re at the Female Business Festival, surrounded by fellow entrepreneurs. It’s the perfect opportunity to test the waters with people about new business ideas you’re considering. To find out where others are with their businesses and do some unofficial market research. You don’t know what you don’t know!

6. Business Development. This again is a bit of a mishmash of all of the above. You can use the conference to identify potential customers or new target markets, possible collaboration partners or even investors. You never know who you might meet.

7. Entrepreneurial Spirit. This again is a bit of a mishmash of all of the above. You can use the conference to identify potential customers or new target markets, possible collaboration partners or even investors. You never know who you might meet.

8. Content Creation. This is such a fantastic way to create some content for your business. Record / take photos of / write about your experience at the conference and you have email content, social media content, blog posts and more ready to go when you get home.

9. Fun and Enjoyment. Conferences can be a lot of fun! A much more interactive way of learning than sitting in a classroom all day.

Want to join us for our last virtual networking of the year? Grab your ticket now.

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